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Dark Orbit

Dark Orbit Is yet another space adventure game brought to player audience by Bigpoint . Start roaming the galaxies, armed with guns ready for a huge battle fights or maybe as a space pilot, you will explore dangerous galaxies so far and away winning interstellar battles wars in DarkOrbit! Get familiar with a new alien life forms, unknown space phenomena and endless journey.

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Dark Orbit

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Click to play Dark Orbit, Sci-fi Spase Adventure Browser Game!

Dark Orbit Game Review

Dark Orbit is an MMO game set in the depths of space. Much like in Battlestar Galactica Online, you control your own spaceship as you battle enemies in space firing lasers, missiles and much more. However, the graphics are not fully rendered in 3D like Battlestar Galactica Online. Not that this has affected the popularity of Dark Orbit one bit. The 2D flash-based game has over 60 million registered users according to Wikipedia. This is miles more than the 5 million users playing Battlestar Galactica Online right now.

It’s relatively a shooting game as you travel in space collecting resources and upgrading your spaceship. In doing so, you will have to fight your way through many enemy spaceships. Combat is easy enough for any player to master and is done in real-time. Unlike with other free-to-play games, the game fully includes audio to give space combat a more Star Wars-like feel. You can hear lasers and missiles shooting throughout the vacuums of space while the ominous music is playing in the background. The only piece of sound that this game is sorely missing is voice-overs.

It’s great to see the game using the visuals to their full potential. Spaceships explode in a fiery mess much like the Death Star exploded in the first Star Wars movie. It’s also relatively easy to engage in combat in Dark Orbit as all you have to do is click on an enemy using the mouse and fire away. It’s fun and easy enough for any beginner to master. It’s also great to know action comes fast and immediate in Dark Orbit. It gets boring sometimes in other video games where you have to wait and go through a long tutorial before you can engage in any sort of combat…

The object of the game is fairly simple much like in every other strategy game. Your ultimate goal is to become the most powerful entity in the Dark Orbit universe. You can do this in a variety of ways that keeps the gameplay fresh and exciting. Players can level-up by undertaking the many quests that the game has to offer. Most of these quests involve you shooting enemies or collecting resources for your base. You can also achieve greatness by challenging other players in PvP combat too.

Once you level-up your ship, the more fun the game gets. You can add numerous upgrades on your spaceship to make it go faster and more powerful. Depending on your respective needs, you can add more powerful rockets, lasers, shields and even a speed booster just to name a few. You can even battle other like-minded Dark Orbit players to show off your new spaceship.

The other great thing about Dark Orbit is the amount of community support this game has. If you’re stuck for some reason in the game, there’s a nifty chat feature located on the bottom left-hand side of the screen. Not only that but you can visit the game’s forums on the website to look at the latest announcements about the game and more. Considering there are millions of active Dark Orbit players right now, you’ll know there will always be someone out there willing to help you out.

Dark Orbit is a fun free-to-play game that players who love Battlestar Galactica Online will enjoy. Even players who are fans of Pardus will find some type of enjoyment in Dark Orbit. All of the aforementioned games are set in space and offer some very fun space combat gameplay. If you’re a science fiction fan, Dark Orbit is the type of game that you will want to be playing. The millions of gamers that have played this game already know how fun this game can be.

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