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Lost Probe

Lost Probe Genre: Very unique puzzle game Lost Probe Review Lost Probe is a fairly unique free to play puzzle game where you have to take control of a probe. This probe is attached to a very long chain and its your job to navigate it through the treacherous underground environment to make it inside of a transporter. It may sound like an easy task to do, although the aforementioned underground environment is a very dangerous and narrow place to get past. The best way to describe the levels in this game is that its like a ball travelling through a series of pipes in the sewer. To make your job even harder, the probe has a lifebar so you will have to avoid hitting walls or else the probe will explode. In order to activate the transporter that is located at the end of each level, you will also have to collect a certain number of stars in each level too. The total number of stars you have to collect vary from level to level. One level you could be only collecting only up to 9 stars while in another you will have to collect 12 stars. There is even one level where you have to collect a total of 21 stars! The fact that you have to obtain all of these stars makes the game even more difficult since the stars are located in various parts of each level and are often in areas that are really really narrow. To make your mission even more difficult than it already is, there is some red type of goo that is deadly to the probe. Even if you touch the red goo for a fraction of a second, the probe will be destroyed instantly. On harder levels in the game, the red goo even shoots out at you it takes a huge chunk off of your lifebar. Cunningly, stars are often in areas where there is lots of goo lying around so you have no choice but to go near it all of the time. The controls might be fiddly to some gamers, although this is what makes this game difficult yet addictive at the same time. The up” and down” arrow keys control the chain that the probe is attached to, while the right” and left” rotate the whole level. Rotating the game world allows the probe to change its direction. Its a pretty unique concept and the main difficulty of the game is trying to control the laws of gravity to your own advantage so you dont keep crashing the probe against the wall all of the time. Other than the red goo hindering your way to making it inside of the transporter, there are also turrets and lasers blocking your way to victory too. To make your job slightly easier, you can press and hold the spacebar that initiates a shield. Make sure you hold the spacebar because if you let it go, your shield will power down. Your shield cannot be used forever since it has its own blue energy bar you have to look out for as well. Once youve used all of the energy up, you can no longer use the shield for the remainder of a level that youre on. The best thing about the entire game is the fact that you can level up and improve your skills every time you complete a level. This is because you will earn points when you complete a level and these points can be used to spend on improving your probe and its skills. You can increase the lifebar of the probe, energy of your shield, and the speed in which you can rotate the game world and movement of the probe. What I really liked about the game is that you can play levels that you have already played and earn points that way. If you are stuck on a specific level and cannot progress, you can always re-play the first level multiple times to earn enough points so you can upgrade your skills. Upgrading your skills and probes abilities becomes a crucial part of the entire game because the difficulty of the game increases dramatically. Graphically, Lost Probe has some nice 2D graphics and the game loads very quickly. Since this is a flash based video game, most people shouldnt have too much trouble trying to play this game. The only thing I did not like about the games design is that the levels lack variety. Sure the levels are all different, but their appearance remains the same. It would have been nice to see different looking environments other than the drab looking sewer pipes you have to travel in all of the time... Lost Probe is a very unique puzzle video game that gamers that love to be challenged will enjoy. There are 16 levels in total and the game is very difficult so dont expect to finish this game very quickly. The game might be too difficult for some gamers to play, although with a lot of patience and skill, there is much fun to be had playing Lost Probe.

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