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Great Personality Guardians Dating Sim

Dating Sim Game: Great Personality Guardians You are a new resident in a city with ambiance-filled spaces and exceptional people. As your life in this new space unfolds, you find that your actions shape your reality and your relationships. The Great Personality Games are designed to be a different kind of dating sim, where you can get to know the characters and find out a little bit more about why you're attracted to them. The game was built with the idea that attraction is deeper than good looks and a sense of humor. There are 32 diverse characters in the Great Personality game that inhabit the world -- where you can play as any gender, date any person, and explore what it's like to get to know (and fall in love) with people with a wide array of backgrounds, abilities, and personalities. Guardians is the first of four games in the series, featuring characters based on a segment of the Myers Briggs personality types that make up 40 - 45% of society. They're the hardworking, diligent individuals that make up the majority of the world we inhabit . Keep an eye out for it and meet 8 new characters and explore the city, get involved with crazy new relationships, and much more.

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Great Personality Guardians Dating Sim

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