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Nightbanes Chronicles of Blood

Nightbanes Chronicles of Blood Entering the Dark Underworld Realm of Nightbanes The popularity of collectible card games have been rapidly growing in recent times, especially since it's being widely used as themed in online gaming industry. This interesting market opportunity is being taken by gamer developer, Diviad, as they crafted an interesting MMOCCG titled, Chronicles of Blood: Nightbanes. Unlike several others collectible card titles which have been unleashed for online gaming titles, Nightbanes have a rather uncommon background story as it's more of a horror style which involved the journey of Vampires and other scary creatures.

Starting the game, as a new vampire, gamer will be given the duty in adventuring into that dark realm by using one vampire lord as the main hero which once it's beaten, it means that you lost your game. Aside from being represented with that vampire lord card, there's also a set of other minions cards that can be summoned during battles. The deck cards consists of unique creatures with certain set of skills, weapon boost and also defense boost. Basically, just as many other CCG games, players are allowed to carry 25 set of cards on their deck for each battles. However, there's an opportunity to collect around 300 different cards in this game, but still gamer must chose their best 25 minions which can help them in the battlefield.

Aside from collection deck cards, gamer can also change their vampire lord, once they managed to grab other options that suits them best. Each lord also have different abilities, from the skill to cure their minions or directly attacking an opponent. Those cards can be acquired as bonuses after winning each battle quest or buy purchasing it in the game menu. In this outing, players are being provided with several 'currencies' which can be used to purchase special cards, either in a form of deck or single item. The types of currencies that can be found on Nightbanes are, Blood Badges (acquired by winning PvP games), Blood Pearls (acquired by winning in quests), Blood Rubies (earned after completing quests and looging daily) and Blood Diamonds (given as bonus which can be purchased with real cash).

The game play of this outing is basically battling in several areas, which required gamer to defeat every enemies in several turns before advancing into the next one. After finishing off the final boss in each realm, players can either advanced into the next stage or keep on fighting enemies in previous area and earn special gifts. Gamer can also head into a bonus battle in each area, once they overcome the final enemies on that realm three times (level 3), which might not be easy in a first try, so it might be wise to just continue into the next place before revisiting them later on. The enemies will also upgrade their skills each time they move up a level, that's why after collecting enough currencies, gamer should try to find themselves better cards which can help them in overcoming that opponent.

Another important thing that should be noted is that in each creatures cards, there's what the game called as Bloodlust Counter, which is a sort of blood symbol located up in the middle of each cards. This Bloodlust basically showcased how many turns that it takes before the creature can finally be activated and start attacking opponents. If a minion card have one marking, it means that creature only needed one turn before able to help you attacking your enemies. It's once again advisable to pick cards with lesser Bloodlust mark early in the game as attacking first can give more chance in winning the battle.

All other details of each creature or boost cards can easily be found in the help menu, so gamer can easily learned it before embarking into their long and tiring quests. Aside from quest, as it was mentioned above, Nightbanes also provides PvP options, which also bring that special currency called Blood Badges. Gamer can purchase any special cards that uses this kind of currency only, as the developer seemed very keen on making players to try out every features that they're offering with this different types of currencies being provided. Another important thing that gamer should also notice that they need a certain amount of energy before getting into battle, so pay attention on the energy bar at the top left of interface screen.

The game control for this outing is basically similar with any other CCG titles as players only need to use their mouse in clicking any command they want to activate. Since it's a browser-based MMO game, those who are playing it obviously need a good internet connection, if they don't want to get any controlling issues during battles. There's not much loading time needed for this game, though sometimes gamer will have to wait for a while once they're running out of energy. Although this game have an interesting graphic with unique character designs, but the amount of battle needed can be really tiring and troublesome. This situation reduces any good quality of the graphics, since your eyes will be tired because of that long battles.

In all, Nightbanes is another interesting CCG title that provide a unique, dark themes which is rather uncommon for this kind of genre. Aside from that, there's also several other different set of setting which being made different to attract any die hard collectible card lovers, in trying this game out. However, the massive amount of battles needed just to clear out one area, might affected any gamer's comfortableness in playing this outing. Moreover, the limited control over what cards that can be placed in each turn also increases that surprise level into an annoying state at times. Still, for those who are really into this kind of genre, trying it out won't do any harm, especially in tasting that unique dark theme which is being offered.

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Nightbanes Chronicles of Blood

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Click to Nightbanes - Chronicles of Blood, free-to-play collectible card game in a modern horror setting. !

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